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Now You Can Tighten Skin and Contour Your Body Without Surgery: Learn About our Noninvasive Options

Jan 15, 2019

Tighten Skin, Contour Body, no Surgery, EMSCULPT, Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery, Excilis, Collagen, High-Intensity F
If you’re looking for ways to improve your figure without risky surgical procedures and downtime, body contouring techniques like EMSCULPT® and Excilis® can help. If you’ve hit a roadblock in your fight against fat, keep reading to learn more.

In recent years, advancements and nonsurgical cosmetic treatments have opened the door to eliminating unwanted fat, even the most stubborn, diet-resistant areas.

At MDCS: Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Snehal Amin and Dr. Noah Gratch teamed up to offer men and women in Midtown Manhattan, New York, the most effective and advanced nonsurgical approaches to skin tightening and body contouring available. Under the care of their experienced team, you can not only melt away cellulite, but you can also improve the strength and muscle tone of your abdomen and buttocks.

Finding results with EMSCULPT® and Excilis®

When you’re looking to banish unwanted body fat and cellulite, the MDCS team turns to the most innovative technology available, including EMSCULPT and Excilis. These two treatments offer proven results, but work in markedly different ways.

EMSCULPT focuses on improving your muscle tone in two primary areas: the abdomen and buttocks. When using this technique to contour your body, you can expect stronger, more toned muscles, which results in a firmer abdomen or rear. This technology is the only treatment available that contours your body by building and toning your muscles.

The team’s Exilis aesthetic system is an ideal approach for wrinkles and cellulite reduction. And, because Exilis uses heat to temporarily firm and tone your skin, it can also increase circulation in the treatment area, while also providing temporary pain relief.

The science behind EMSCULPT and Excilis

The proven results you can expect with EMSCULPT and Excilis are different from each other. EMSCULPT delivers HIFEM®, or High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic, technology directly to your abdominal or buttocks muscles to trigger muscle contractions. This targeted approach causes approximately 20,000 powerful muscle contractions in 30 minutes, results that aren’t possible through normal exercise alone.

As your muscles react to this noninvasive energy, they release chemicals in the area causing fat cells to break down and release free fatty acids. This large number of fatty acids makes your fat cells malfunction and die, and your body absorbs them and flushes them from your system. At the same time, your muscles go through cellular changes, which leads them to strengthen and thicken.

Unlike EMSCULPT, Excilis body contouring treatments combine radiofrequency and ultrasound waves. This innovative technology delivers heat into the deepest layers of your skin to damage your fat cells, while keeping your surface skin temperature cool and comfortable. When exposed to heat, your fat cells die, and your body flushes them from your system. The precise amount of heat used with Excilis also triggers collagen production in the treatment site. Collagen helps tighten and tone skin in the area, which creates a firmer and more youthful appearance.

There’s no downtime following EMSCULPT or Excilis treatments.

What to expect from EMSCULPT and Excilis

In most cases, the MDCS team recommends a minimum of four 30-minute EMSCULPT sessions every two to three days. Skin tightening and body contouring with EMSCULPT comes with proven results, including an average:

  • 16% increase in muscle mass
  • 19% reduction in fat
  • 96% patient satisfaction

You can also expect fast results, especially when compared to other body contouring technologies and regular diet and exercise. Instead of waiting months, EMSCULPT offers noticeable changes within a day or two after a single visit with continued improvement within two to four weeks of your final appointment.

Similar to EMSCULPT body contouring treatments, the MDCS team usually suggests a series of Excilis sessions to reach maximum results. Because your body triggers new collagen production after each session, it’s common to have the most dramatic results within the three to six months of your last treatment.

To learn more about noninvasive skin tightening and body contouring with EMSCULPT and Exilis, call MDCS: Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery, or schedule an appointment online today.